Workshops & Retreats


“Creating a structured and nurturing environment within which to go deep” Retreats & Workshops: Upcoming programs include: Couples Workshops, Circle-Works Women’s groups training & certification course, personal growth retreats, meditation retreats, day-long women’s workshops at the Dead Sea and an array of workshops revolving around improving relationships, exploring Jewish holidays and issues of personal calling.   Face to […]

Therapy Center


“When I understand myself I will understand everything – the world, life – until my understanding reaches the very Source of Life.” – Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook At the Shalev Center we believe that positive change in the world begins within each individual. Thus, we are committed to creating a nurturing & safe environment for […]

Classes & Groups


“Integrating transformation into our lives” Ongoing Classes: We provide classes that are experiential and exercise-based. Examples include: Weekly Meditation classes, Personal Growth & Development classes, Relationship classes and Bibliodrama. Men’s & Women’s Groups: These ongoing groups offer an uncommon blend of personal exploration, spiritual growth, support, therapeutic growth work, communication skill-building and the creation of conscious community. […]

Shalev Center

Located in the heart of Jerusalem, The Shalev Center is dedicated to personal growth and spiritual development.

We provide authentic Jewish frameworks to explore and create deeper and more meaningful relationships with oneself, with others and with God. We offer a unique array of classes, workshops and retreats as well as caring individual and group therapy.

Our mission is to inspire you towards and accompany you on your next step of growth.

Shalev Center Videos

  • Jewish Meditation

    Over Hanukkah 2011, The Shalev Center held a 3-day silent meditation retreat in the heart of Jerusalem. It was deeply moving and transformative. Participants experienced silence, interlaced with singing as well as teachings and meditative techniques from Kabbalah and Chasidut. Spirituality made practical, affecting and transforming our lives. Facilitators were Rabbi Hillel Lester, Rabbi Daniel […]

  • Babel’s Daughter

    One woman’s journey from the Bible-Belt to the Holy Land….In this electric show, Chaya shares her cosmic, sometimes-comic, always-poetic, spiritual journey from the Mississippi Delta to the hills of Jerusalem. The show is entertaining and inspirational as well as interactive, offering a synthesis of spoken-word performance with audience-engaged self-exploration.This show shows you Israel. This show […]

  • Psychology of Tashlich

    Utilizing the ritual of tashlich to clear out negative impediments which stand in the way to accessing personal power and our Divine aspect within. From here, true responsibility (response-ability) and clear choice can then follow.

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